1. passwd Command:
Changes a user’s password.
passwd username
2. useradd Command:
Creates a new user account.
useradd username
3. userdel Command
Deletes a user account.
Example :-
userdel username
4. groupadd Command:
Creates a new group.
groupadd groupname
5. groupdel Command
Deletes a group.
Example :-
groupdel groupname
6. chmod Command:
Changes file permissions.
Example :-
chmod 600 file.txt
7. chown Command
Changes the owner of a file or directory.
chown user:group file.txt
8. chgrp Command
Changes the group ownership of a file or directory.
chgrp groupname file.txt
9. ssh Command
Securely connects to a remote server.
ssh user@hostname
10 . scp Command
Securely copies files between hosts.
Example :-
scp file.txt user@hostname:/destination/path
11. ufw Command:
Uncomplicated Firewall, a user-friendly interface to manage iptables firewall.
Example :-
ufw enable
12. iptables Command
Configures firewall rules.
Example :-
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
13. fail2ban Command
Protects against brute-force attacks by monitoring logs and blocking malicious IP addresses.
Example :-
fail2ban-client status
14. sudo Command
Allows users to execute commands with superuser privileges.
Example :-
sudo command
15. ssh-keygen Command
Generates SSH key pairs for authentication
ssh-keygen -t rsa
16. chown Command:
chown stands for “change owner.” It is used to change the owner of a file or directory.
chown user:group file.txt
17. chgrp Command:
chgrp stands for “change group.” It is used to change the group ownership of a file or directory.
chgrp group file.txt
18. find Command:
find is used to search for files and directories in a directory hierarchy.
find /path/to/search -name "file.txt"
19. locate Command:
locate is used to find files by name.
locate file.txt
20. du Command:
du stands for “disk usage.” It is used to display the disk usage of files and directories.
du -sh directory/
21 df Command:
df stands for “disk free.” It is used to display disk space usage and availability.
df -h
22. free Command:
free is used to display free and used memory in the system.
free -h
23. top Command:
top is used to display system processes and resource usage in real-time.
24. ps Command:
ps is used to display a snapshot of current processes.
ps aux
25. kill Command:
kill is used to terminate processes.
kill PID
26. sudo Command:
sudo is used to execute a command as another user, typically the superuser.
sudo command
27 su Command:
su is used to switch user accounts or become the superuser.
su username
28. passwd Command:
passwd is used to change a user’s password.
passwd username
29. useradd Command:
useradd is used to create a new user account.
useradd username
30 userdel Command:
userdel is used to delete a user account.
userdel username
Thanks for learning 👍👍