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ERROR: Couldn’t determine iptables version

In this tutorial im going to solve this error ERROR: Couldn’t determine iptables version. Error : – Solution:- If the iptables command is not installed, you can…

What are the use of this command sudo ufw allow 443 ?

The command sudo ufw allow 443 opens port 443 in the Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw). Port 443 is the standard port used for HTTPS traffic. This means that…

Top 21 Security Checklist for Apache ?

In this tutorial we’re going to learn top 21 security checklist for Apache Configuration. Apache web server is crucial to safeguarding your website and its data. This…

How to change your ubuntu version using command?

In this tutorial I’m going to change version 1 to version 2 using command in ubuntu, so follow this tutorial I have to defined in very quick…