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Call to a member function getClientOriginalExtension() on null

In this tutorial i’m going to learn how to solve this issue Call to a member function getClientOriginalExtension() on null. This error usually occurs when you try…

How to send Data using Microservice in Laravel Api ?

In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to send the data from one microservice to another microservice using api in laravel. 1st step go to below…

How to print Array data in console.log in laravel ?

In this tutorial im going to learn how to print how many data is coming in array. 1st step go to your blade page and put below…

How to do Validation using Controller function in laravel ?

In this tutorial i’m going to learn how to do validation in laravel using controller function. This method automatically validates incoming HTTP requests, and if the validation…

How to use Custom User Logout function in laravel ?

In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to create logout function in laravel i have mentioned in every easy steps how and where to implement functions….

How to Store Current date and Time in laravel ?

In this tutorial we’re going to learn we’re going to learn how to store current date and time store in laravel Asis/Kolkata timing. 1st step go to…

Class “Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider” not found

In this tutorial i’m going to solve “Class “Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProvider” not found” i’m using laravel 10 then i using Intervention\Image then showing error lets solve this issue in…

How to send Notifications With Database In Laravel ?

In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to send notification if someone register on our software then send him notification. Install laravel project Next to create…

How to use multiple database in Laravel ?

In this tutorial i’m going to learn how to configure multiple database from one project to another project so follow this tutorial i have mentioned in very…

How to Generate Instagram Graph Api Access token ?

In this tutorial im going to generate instagram access token in very easy after reading this tutorial you’ll able to generate access token. 1st step Login Facebook…