Youtube Subscriber Count in ReactJs
In this tutorial i’m going to learn how to count YouTube Subsribers count, views count as well, as define below. In order to install your app, first…
How to Insert Data using Tinker?
In this tutorial i’m going What is tinker and why using it and how to insert data using of tinker in easy way. I’m going to describe…
The Mix manifest does not exist.
The error message “The Mix manifest does not exist” typically occurs in Laravel applications when Laravel Mix, which is responsible for compiling assets like JavaScript and CSS,…
Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server.
In this tutorial I’m going to describe how to solve this error I got a error when i created virtual host and when i Open in browser…
How to Upload Profile Image of user in Laravel | Upload Profile Picture in Laravel Registration
In this tutorial im going to learn how to upload profile image of user in Laravel. Please follow some easy steps define below. First let’s go to…
Class ‘App\Http\Controllers\Student’ not found
In this tutorial I’m going to describe how to solve “Class ‘App\Http\Controllers\Student’ not found” if you got this types of error. 1step this types of error is…
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database ‘Laravel’ (1049)
In this tutorial I’m going to describe how to fix “unknown database in laravel Bug” Unknown database:- SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database ‘laravel’ (1049) Whenever you migrate in…
How to Create Multiple Virtual Host in Laravel
In this tutorial I’m going to create multiple virtual host in laravel in some easy steps please follow mentioned below. first stop your xampp 1step-> Go…