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How to safely remove Laravel Debugbar ?

What is Laravel Debugbar ?

Laravel Debugbar is a package for the Laravel PHP framework that provides a debug bar or toolbar for your application. It offers various features and insights to assist developers during the development process. Some of the key features include:

    Reason to remove laravel Debugbar

    While Laravel Debugbar is a powerful tool for debugging and development, there are several reasons why you might want to remove it or disable it in a production environment:

    1. Security Concerns: Laravel Debugbar provides detailed information about your application, including queries, routes, configuration settings, and more. Exposing such information in a production environment could pose security risks by revealing sensitive details about your application’s internals.
    2. Performance Overhead: Debugging tools like Laravel Debugbar can introduce some performance overhead due to the additional data collection and rendering. In production, where performance is crucial, it’s advisable to minimize unnecessary overhead.
    3. Aesthetics and User Experience: The debug bar may not be aesthetically pleasing or suitable for a production environment. It might interfere with the user experience and the overall look and feel of your application.

    How to remove laravel laravel Debugbar ?

    To completely disable the debugger

    In .env

    APP_DEBUG=false # No error reporting at all

    For Disabling the Debugger but Enabling Error Reporting: (Recommended)

    In .env


    FYI: If changes in the .env file do not take effect, clear the configuration using either of the following commands:

    php artisan config:clear


    php artisan optimize:clear

    Completely Removing Debugbar

    In case you want to remove Debugbar completely, run the following commands:

    composer remove barryvdh/laravel-debugbar

    Then, open config/app.php and remove the service provider:


    Finally, clear the cache:

    php artisan cache:clear
    Hi I am Amit Kumar Thakur Experienced as s Software Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, PHP, Laravel-9 , REST API,FB API,Google API, Youtube Api, Bitbucket,Github,Linux and jQuery. Strong engineering professional focused in Computer/Information Technology Administration and Management. Currently my profile is to Software Developer, analyze the requirement, creating frame for web application, coding and maintenance.

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