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How to use multiple Api in Ajax JQuery HTTP requests ?

In this tutorial im going to solve how to use multiple api HTTP request in one ajax success functions. Solution:- Output:-

Image Size Reducer Online Tool By WizBrand

In this tutorial im going to share how to use image size reducer tools free. The Image Size Reducer tool is developed by the WizBrand team and this tool…

Image Editor Online Tool By WizBrand

In this tutorial im going to share how to use Image Editor Online tools in very easy way. The Image Editor tool is developed by the WizBrand team and…

How to Show Notification using Sweet Alert in Laravel 9

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to setup sweet alert when crud will be performing. Create New Controller We have to create specific functions…

How to use Soft Delete and Restore Deleted Data in Laravel ?

In this Laravel tutorial we are going to learn How to use Soft Delete in Laravel framework. We will see how can we restore deleted records and…

How to Creating a personal access token, Personal API tokens in Github | How to use GitHub personal access token

1st step Login to Github and go to Setting section. 2nd In the left sidebar, click Developer settings. 3rd step In the left sidebar , click Personal…

How to remove api from url in laravel

In this tutorial im going to solve how to remove Api from url in laravel, below i have to mentioned in very easy way. First step:- go…

Database connection [mysqlProjects] not configured.

In this tutorial im going to solve this Database connection [mysqlProjects] not configured. This issue is coming when you call another microservice data. Error:- Solution:- 1st step…

Array to string conversion {“exception”:”[object] (ErrorException(code: 0):

In this tutorial im going to solve Array to string conversion {“exception”:”[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): this error is coming when i try to print all data in log…